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Delivery Time:
Expected within 3-5 business days.
Estimated delivery dates are provided during shopping but are not guaranteed.
Estimates are based on delivery to capital cities; longer times may apply for remote areas.
Delays may occur if the payment doesn't go through immediately or is made via bank transfer. Delivery time is calculated from the day payment is received.
Shipping Costs:
Standard delivery is free of charge with your order only for the launch month (October – November 2023).
FRECKLE EYEWEAR doesn't cover shipping costs for returns.
Express and Premium Shipping options are available for faster processing, but they don’t guarantee a specific delivery date.
For non-mainland addresses, there might be additional customs charges for which FRECKLE EYEWEAR doesn't hold responsibility or offer refunds.
Delivery Service and Insurance:
Deliveries are made via FEDEX.
Delivery time can vary based on address.
Customers are notified by email when their order ships.
Orders are insured during transit.
FRECKLE EYEWEAR is not responsible for lost or stolen packages post-delivery.
If a package is returned due to recipient unavailability, re-delivery costs may be charged.
For packages damaged during transit, customers should reject delivery and immediately file a claim with the carrier.
Delivery Address:
Only physical home or business addresses are accepted.
Shipping to an address different from the billing address requires prior addition of that address with the credit card or financing company.
Once an order is placed, shipping and billing addresses can't be changed.
If unavailable during scheduled delivery, customers can contact customer support to potentially reschedule.
Outside Mainland Delivery:
Orders might be subject to customs, with possible additional charges.
FRECKLE EYEWEAR does not cover or refund any customs taxes and duties.